High-Performance Windows for Timeless Design

Today, we’re on the East Coast at a high-performance home designed by Steven Baczek Architect and built by Shoreline Builders. This home’s timeless design in combination with its high-performance details are sure to be relevant for years to come.

From the builder’s perspective, the job site can be an unpredictable environment. Andersen 400 Series windows deliver performance and aesthetics and durability, which make them an easy specification. Ultimately, our goal is a high-performance home that will last for generations and with Andersen 400 Series windows, we have that partner.

Being informed about things like U-Factor, air leakage, and

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Adding Glass Block Windows – Extreme How To

Glass block windows let in more light.

By Larry Walton

Photos by Mark Walton

When I was making plans to remove a set of sliding patio doors in our master bedroom and replace them with a single, half-lite door, my wife was concerned that it would be too dark in the room. After she refused to wear the provided headlamp, I had to admit she was right and started making plans for Phase 2 of the project.

Of course I had little idea what Phase 2 might be, but I talked about it with the same air of confidence you

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What Do I Need to Know About Pre-Existing Conditions and

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Medicare Supplement plans are an important part of a comprehensive health care plan. However, choosing the right one can be a daunting task. The most popular plan is Medicare Supplement Plan G, and for good reason. It provides comprehensive coverage for medical expenses that are not covered by Original Medicare Part A or Part B, such as co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles. This article will provide you with an overview of what you need to know in order to make an informed decision about which plan is best for your needs. 

Understanding Your Options 

When it comes to choosing a Medicare

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Screen Printing Vs Laser Printing

A laser beam doesn’t damage the printed item and works like a knife to remove the surface material without stress. On the other hand, screen printing is more versatile and suitable for printing on various fabrics or even spherical surfaces.

To use the best screen printing machine for your business, you must determine the printing technique first. The two most popular options are screen printing and laser marking, which have several advantages based on the complexity of the printing job.

In today’s guide, I delve into the intricacies of both these methods and determine which technique is better. 

What Is

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Editorial Note: Building New is Easy

Photo: Elizabeth Glasgow Studios, courtesy of The Turett Collaborative

While I love great design and magnificent old houses, the conversation in the building world has shifted pretty dramatically to a focus on performance and sustainability. When you’re building from the ground up, you can incorporate the latest building science to create a home that performs fantastically out of the gate, minimizing energy usage while creating a very comfortable, enjoyable space in which to live.

The bulk of our population, though, doesn’t live in new homes. I’d argue that retrofitting existing buildings, affordably, and with an eye toward minimizing energy consumption,

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7 Easy Ways To Avoid Plumbing Disasters In Your Home

 Keeping your plumbing healthy is vital. After all, everyone relies on a home’s plumbing system to complete most household chores and manage personal hygiene. However, most people take plumbing for granted, and it is given a second thought once it experiences issues.  

And a plumbing disaster can be an unforgettable experience. It’s because it tends to make a huge mess, causing a mold problem that forces you to face costly plumbing repairs and cleanup. Fortunately, you can avoid plumbing disasters.  

The easiest way to prevent plumbing disasters is by maintaining healthy plumbing with preventive measures in place. From flooded bathrooms,

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Setting Up Advanced Security Features for Your MyEtherWallet

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A non-public essential is really a exclusive rule used in cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, gain access to cash kept in an electronic digital pocket. When using mew entered myetherwallet (mew masuk myetherwallet), a person must gain access to their exclusive important to be able to see their pocket equilibrium, give dealings, or connect to decentralized apps. In this post, we are going to explore just what a private essential is, how it works and the way to safely utilize one on the MEW program.

Exactly What Is A Personal Key?

A personal essential is essentially an

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How To Clean Screen Printing Machine

To clean a screen printing machine, a few tools like a pressure washer, emulsion remover, and spray tank are essential. The cleaning process includes three key steps – removing ink, reclaiming, and degreasing or you can also use a dip tank.

A screen printing machine is an amazing tool for creating cool prints and merchandise, especially if you run a screen printing shop, but cleaning it is a daunting task. 

However, over time I have found a few hacks to get the job done easily, so today, I am going to share those helpful tips with you in this handy

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Installing Alternating Tread Stairs – Extreme How To

A Space Saving Staircase For A Man Cave Loft Bedroom

By Clint Thomas

A friend of mine recently decided to utilize the space over the bathroom area in his man cave at his lake property as a loft.  Since this idea was an afterthought, gaining access to the loft area posed a problem since a traditional American style staircase requires a considerable amount of floor space that he did not have to spare.

A traditional staircase is built at a slope of less than forty-five degrees and protrudes into the room reducing the useable floor space.  In my friend’s situation,

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How To: Build a Combo Storm & Screen

Combo storm & screen window

Some of the most requested and heavily trafficked posts on my site are where I show readers the process to build their own wood storm windows and wood screens. And as soon as I released those posts, videos, and accompanying woodworking plans I got a ton of messages asking for plans on building combo storm and screen.

What is a combo storm and screen? At its simplest it is a wood frame that comes with interchangeable screen panels and glass panels which allows you to avoid the arduous seasonal process of taking storms down and putting screens up. With a

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