Can I Use A Utility Pump As A Sump Pump

While both pumps are designed to move water, they are not interchangeable and have different functions, which is why one cannot generally use a utility pump as a sump pump. 

Do you have utility pumps in the house? A lot of people do but don’t know much about its functions.

If you are using a mechanism to pump water or using a garden hose to water plants, then they could have a utility pump attached. Also, these pumps are used to prevent flooding and check the water flow at a construction site. 

Here, we’re going to discuss if using a

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Will Insulating a Crawlspace Save Me Money?

No insulation needed. Insulating the area between a conditioned crawlspace and the living space will do little to reduce energy costs. A better solution is to concentrate on controlling moisture accumulation with ventilation and, in some climates, dehumidification. Drawing: Peter Wojcieszek

I’m building a house with a conditioned crawlspace that will have a poured-concrete slab, rigid insulation on the walls, and closed-cell spray foam in the joist spaces. The HVAC equipment will be located in the crawlspace, which has 5-ft.-tall walls and will otherwise be used just for storage and as a storm shelter. To save energy, I was thinking

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Case Study: My Experience With

photo 1597066157837 5084c251fa34?crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&fit=max&fm=jpg&ixid=MnwzNjUyOXwwfDF8c2VhcmNofDV8fGJvbHRzfGVufDB8fHx8MTY2NDI4MzY3Nw&ixlib=rb 1.2How to Find the Best Air Conditioning Company

It’s not uncommon to require air conditioning repair. Air conditioning systems are prone to breaking down, particularly during summer. When this happens, it’s important to find a reliable air conditioning repair service that can fix your system quickly and efficiently.

One of the best air conditioning companies to consider is one that employs well-trained air conditioning contractors. The expertise and experience of these professionals allows them to identify and fix any issues your system may be facing. They should also be able to provide you with a detailed and

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Who Makes Utility Pumps? | Things You Should Know

Various brands like Superior Pumps, Wayne, and Simer are known for producing quality and user-friendly utility pumps. So, you can choose between them depending on your engine preferences and water removal capacity. 

Utility pumps are perhaps among the most important devices that aid water removal during a sudden pipe leak or burst. Hence, it doesn’t surprise me that many households are opting for them today. 

But with so many brands out there, how do you choose the right one? Let me help you make that decision. 

Why Do You Need A Utility Pump?

Why Do You Need A Utility Pump

Some people may think that utility pumps

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Q&A With Sarah Vadney, Historic Preservationist

Sarah Vadney is a historic preservationist and owner of Woman and Her Wood. Having started out in fine furniture restoration, Sarah now does work on whole-house projects and other larger buildings. Sarah is motivated to produce a quality of work with healthy materials that honors the thoughtfulness of original craftsmanship. In this interview, Sarah talks about what it takes do historic preservation (and do it well), the challenges of being a caregiver in this field, and how people interested in this trade can learn. You can check out more of Sarah’s work on her Instagram, @WomanandHerWood, or on her

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19 Stories of Unusual Remodeling Requests and Odd Situations

contemporary staircase

Kitchen Cove Design Studio
Delivery Dilemmas

We’ve all heard the stories about supply chain woes, but delivery issues can happen anytime.

For designer Mary Adams of Kitchen Cove Design Studio, the unusual encounter came when she had to explain to her client a rather unfortunate scenario. “We had a delivery truck that was on its way to a job site for a cabinetry delivery when the truck broke down with electrical issues and ended up catching fire,” she says. “The entire truck burned to the ground on the highway with our client’s kitchen inside. Imagine that phone call

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6 Ways to Make a Small Lot Live Big

Synopsis: Architect Tina Govan challenges the idea that privacy is only attainable in rural areas and large spaces. In this article, she talks about six different ways to maximize small lots to create a sense of spaciousness and privacy, including the thoughtful use of screens, walls, windows, and elements of different scale.

Throughout my years working as an architect, many people have come to me with the idea that they must move to the outskirts of town in order to get the privacy and space they seek. They believe that achieving their vision of home as a peaceful retreat, a

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The Top 10 Powder Rooms of 2022

transitional powder room

Powder rooms are usually places where designers and homeowners feel more comfortable taking a walk on the wild side with design choices. That’s because these bathrooms are typically small, intimate and often windowless, creating an opportunity to embrace details that might not fit in other more visible areas of the home. For inspiration, check out this countdown of the most-saved powder room photos uploaded to Houzz this year.

Meredith Parrish Design, llc
10. Mix and Match

This Denver powder room by Meredith Parrish Design features a harmonious mix of textures and shapes. Marble hexagonal tiles pull attention to

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Rainwater Storage and Fence in One

With drought conditions becoming more common throughout the U.S., making the most of available rainwater may become less of a niche practice and more of a necessity. WaterFence, which started as a high school science fair project, offers rainwater storage that is less expensive than underground rainwater storage and more aesthetically pleasing than aboveground storage tanks, while also providing the added benefits of a traditional fence.

WaterFence is a privacy fence designed to also store rainwater. Each section is a complete storage tank that slides into place between two fence posts and can be connected to additional tanks

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Kitchen and Residential Design: Vinyl Flooring Is Best


The Surface Underneath Your Feet

When I was a youngster, there was an age old tale that my family used to tell about my grandmother’s refusal to accept new floors every Christmas. My grandfather told my grandmother not to varnish the floor one year because it was a waste of money, because instead he wanted to install vinyl flooring because it was more cost effective. My grandmother was unfamiliar with vinyl flooring and instead varnished the floor because it was what she wanted to do. When my grandfather got home, he decided to dance in the varnish and mess up

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