Lawn Aeration for a Green Lawn

Growing a great green lawn can be a great big pain in the neck. From seeding to fertilizing to mowing, it seems like there’s and endless list of repetitive chores associated with maintaining a nice, verdant bed of grass. Well, lawn aeration is yet another chore that is often unduly overlooked — but a practice that may pay off in boosting the overall health of your lawn, thereby saving some labor headaches in the future.

The process of lawn aeration involves extracting cores of soil from the lawn area. It is a standard contractor technique for ground-maintenance professionals. In the

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How To Clean Car Seat Covers

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Car seat cushions for long drives should be clean and odor free to ensure that your travel is fun and enjoyable. 

There’s no doubt that with time, the seat covers in your car will inevitably become dirty. It can be because of your mischievous little ones, a careless blotch of sunscreen after a day at the beach, or muddy post-soccer practice stains. Whatever the reason, keeping car seats clean is every car owner’s priority. 


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Podcast 499: Live from the Midwest Building Science

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In this live recording at the end of the two-day seminar, Patrick, Andrew, Travis, and Joe and share what they’ve learned and discuss why you should go to one of this year’s remaining Building Science Symposiums in Chattanooga or Austin, before taking questions from attendees about things they heard or learned at the show.

Podcast 499: Live from the Midwest Building Science Symposium
Photo courtesy Tim Berndt

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Leveling subfloor for hardwood | DIY Home Improvement,

Thank you. From what I am seeing, the blocks aren’t additional support, they ARE the support. Some kind of pier/beam foundation that is supported with a paver and a block, then shimmed to height.

Here’s where I really need guidance. This drawing is an elevation view, so as if you’re outside laying on the ground looking at the corner of the house.

Getting the old 2x8s out isn’t an issue. They’re primarily sawdust. My concern is that the sawdust may be providing just enough support to prevent the wall from crumbling. I have a plan to repair it, but not

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What Is Better For A Basement Bedroom Air Conditioner Or

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Almost decided on buying a dehumidifier for the bedroom in the basement to make it more comfortable? Hang on — the choice isn’t as simple as it seems. 

The air conditioning requirements for a basement won’t be the same as an above-ground space. Moreover, you might as well opt for an air conditioner to improve the atmosphere. 

That’s why you’ll need to delve deeper to understand which of these devices can truly make the ambiance

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Airtight Mudsill Connection – Fine Homebuilding

In the last episode of Fine Homebuilding House Kansas, we talked about the subslab details and getting the concrete slab poured for our finished basement. Now we’re excited because the weather has cleared up enough to frame and we’re getting started on our mudsill.

The framers from Schelp Construction are pretty stoked because we have some new technology on the job site. They have been framing for a long time and they’re awfully good at it, but there are some new innovations on the market that make the process a little easier and faster. We actually broke out the

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How to Clean Some Surprising Things in Your Washing Machine

Sometimes we learn from trial and error. But when it comes to a pricey appliance you use a lot, like a washing machine, you don’t want to take chances with the laundry you put in it. If you do, you risk damaging the machine (hello, expensive repair visit) and ruining the item you’re washing. On the other hand, why wash items by hand or throw them out if they can safely go in the washing machine? Here are 11 surprising items you can machine wash — and a few things you should never wash — or wash with caution.


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Podcast 498: PRO TALK With Attorney Karalynn Cromeens

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Karalynn and Patrick talk about the importance of good contracts, the new bargaining power of subcontractors, and the value of trusting your gut.

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Importance Of Using Roofing Services & How To Choose A


Roofs are among those constructions that people rarely think about until they end up needing them repaired or installed. We could argue that the roof is among the most important parts of our homes and commercial buildings and we wouldn’t be wrong. Yet, people usually take it for granted until something happens. This is probably because the long life-span of these constructions makes us forget that they can get damaged too.

Well, the truth is that they can. And, when they do, the right thing to do is find and use the perfect roofing services in order to get everything

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How To: Glaze Windows in Place

glaze a window in place

I get this question all the time, and I’m amazed it has taken me so long to address the topic comprehensively in a post. You’ve been patient enough so today I’ll teach you how to glaze windows in place.

The process for reglazing an old window is something that need to be done about every 30-40 years so if you do it right the first time you may never need to do it again unless you plan to live in that house a long time. The longevity comes from using the right glazing putty and the right techniques. Let’s dive

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