Podcast 516: PRO TALK With Carpenter Antonio Lama

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Ian and Antonio talk about being a lead carpenter with an economics degree, becoming interested in high-performance building, and career opportunities for tradespeople.

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some options for trim under a porch

Here is a picture of the right side. The distance from the steps to the outside of the corner post is 135″ so a bit less than 12′.


The left side is the same only not as long so there are only two posts. I have not yet installed the post caps as I had to fabricate those and they still need to be painted. There are 12″ concrete tubes under each post with a 10″ deep 20″ x 20″ square footer at the bottom. When it gets warm again, I will cut out the old concrete on the inside

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Things to Consider Before Using Artificial Grass

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Using Artificial Grass is becoming more popular as a result of its versatility, durability and environmental benefits. It is a great way to beautify your lawn without the environmental issues and health risks associated with real grass. However, there are several things to consider before you make the decision to use this product.

Synthetic fibers

Various polymers can be used to produce artificial fibers for artificial grass. These include polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyamide. Each of these materials has different characteristics that can affect the playability and durability of the sports field. The choice of the right material is important for

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How To Insulate A Pellet Smoker?

The most common materials for insulating a pellet smoker are insulation jackets, blankets, and cement boards. All you need to do is line up the insulating material, mark it and wrap it around the smoker, ensuring all gaps are sealed. 

Having the best insulated smoker allows you to enjoy tasty food from burgers to beef brisket. 

But what if you spend hours cooking turkey in your smoker, and it turns out half-cooked? Insulating your pellet smoker can save you from the embarrassment of serving half-cooked food to your guests. 

However, not everyone knows how to insulate a pellet smoker– so

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Hitting High-Performance Airtightness Standards – Fine

We’re on-site at an ultramodern high-performance home that my company BPC Green Builders is constructing. Part of the program directive for this house is that it has to hit very rigorous airtightness standards. In order for us to hit those numbers, we do blower-door-guided air-sealing. We’ll then go downstairs into the basement to investigate any penetrations through the envelope, and then we’ll head outside to seal up the continuous insulation.

We’ll use our blower door to pressurize the building, and then we’ll use theatrical smoke and fog to find some of these air-leakage pathways that we can’t

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Bathroom Trends For 2023 – Extreme How To

Infinity Drain® Defines Seven Leading Bathroom Trends of 2023

Infinity Drain, the manufacturer at the forefront of architectural and decorative drains announces key design concepts, custom options and decorative details which will pave the way for 2023 bathroom design.

Aging with Grace: Barrier Free

According to a recent report from the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies and The Hastings Center, housing and health equity for older adults remains a top priority for builders, architects, designers and anyone involved in planning and building homes. Improvements in bathroom accessibility should include barrier free showers – with entrances wide enough to

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5 Worst Wood Stain Mistakes

It possible that I have messed up more stain jobs in my career than many people have ever attempted. I count myself as fortunate to have learned my lessons and gotten my Ph.D in D.U.M.B. Now you get to benefit from my mistakes, and if you’re smart you’ll learn and avoid the same wood stain mistakes.

Staining wood is both an art and a science and if you neglect either you will pay for it. I have analyzed the mistakes I’ve made and boiled down them down to five categories which I’m calling the 5 worst wood stain mistakes because

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Savings and Impact of Switching to Artificial Turf

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Choosing to install artificial grass is a decision that will benefit you in so many ways. Not only do you get the benefits of the green, lush look that you have always wanted, but you will also save water and money in the long run. Also, it can be a great way to create a safer area for your kids and pets to play.

Water savings

Using artificial grass to replace your natural lawn can save you a lot of water. Not only that, but it also saves you the time and expense of maintaining a real lawn. In addition,

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Making a small rolling island for kitchen

Yet another back burner project that I want to try because I already have some of the lumber and can see what I can use & what I need to buy.

Friend’s kitchen looks somewhat like this (my sketchup drawings) minus some cabinets over the sink (those are planned but not purchased yet)

There’s an air fryer and other appliances on the counter next to the tall pantry. There is now a barn door between the living room and kitchen. There are 6 panel doors to the two bedrooms that connect to the kitchen.
The space is small but lacks

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Keeping Your Home’s Utilities Functional

Utility Maintenance

You will need to maintain your home’s utility infrastructure, or it will break down over time. Sewer lines can break; sometimes this happens owing to a deep freeze in the winter, and sometimes it happens to owe to geological issues underground affecting septic systems. Whatever the case, you will need home sewer line repair at intervals.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) can similarly malfunction on you. Electrical systems may not always function as they should. Sometimes your water lines leak. There are plenty of aspects of a home that can become damaged over time. Following we’ll explore

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