6 Signs That Your Furnace Needs Servicing

During the winter, you rely on your furnace to keep your home warm and prevent seasonal issues like burst pipes. However, given that your heater has been inactive for six months, harm to the unit may occur covertly. 

6 signs that your furnace needs servicing are:

  1. Unusual Smells From Your Furnace
  2. Trouble Starting Your Furnace
  3. Discoloration on the Pilot Light
  4. Your Furnace Isn’t Heating as It Should
  5. Your Furnace is Noisy
  6. Air Quality Issues

It’s essential to schedule furnace maintenance as soon as a problem with your appliance emerges. You can check Morris Jenkins for tune-ups and other repair needs.

1. Unusual Smells From Your Furnace

When they are turned on for the first time in a year, furnaces tend to smell like the fuel they consume. As the furnace operates, most scents disappear. However, if you smell gasoline firmly surrounding the appliance, if the smell develops abruptly, or if it persists over time, you could have a furnace issue.

Various problems, such as an internal gas leak or excessive dust, can cause these odors. Have an HVAC expert examine the aroma to ascertain its origin.

2. Trouble Starting Your Furnace

As a furnace ages, you could have more trouble starting and maintaining it. You probably need a repair if you have to reboot your heater or the appliance multiple times during the day.

These performance problems frequently result from broken thermostats or disconnected wiring; changing the damaged component should cure the problem.

3. Discoloration on the Pilot Light

Keep an eye on the hue of the pilot light. Blue is the typical color of a healthy pilot light. A ventilation issue may be indicated by a discolored pilot light, especially one that is yellow.

The hue changes when gases like carbon monoxide don’t break down properly. If left unfixed, this condition might endanger your household’s health or make your home more flammable.

4. Your Furnace Isn’t Heating as It Should

One of the most obvious signs that the furnace needs repairs are when it fails to work as it should. Schedule repairs if your heater is not producing any heat or generating very little heat regardless of the temperature you have it programmed to.

The most frequent reasons for insufficient heat are malfunctioning thermostats that improperly connect with the furnace unit and leaking ductwork that lets treated air escape.

5. Your Furnace is Noisy

No furnace is entirely silent but noisy; persistent noises might indicate a severe problem. Please pay special attention to the noises you hear and describe them to the HVAC contractor when they examine the system. Belt or fan issues might be caused by shaking and whistling noises while pounding or groaning can be brought on by damaged or loose internal elements. 

6. Air Quality Issues

Your furnace system directly impacts the air quality in your house. A system that isn’t well-maintained could circulate hot air and foreign particles like dirt, germs, and other impurities throughout your home. More airborne dust may be present, and you could get frequent colds, coughs, and other respiratory illnesses.

The number of foreign particles present may also exacerbate allergy symptoms like itching, watery eyes, and headaches if you or others in your family have them.

Problems with the air quality caused by furnaces can occasionally be solved by simply changing the filter. The ducting and unit may require expert cleaning in more challenging situations.

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